Boston Globe Speaks to UT’s David Clarke About Chinese Rail Company
David Clarke, the director of UT’s Center for Transportation Research, talked to the outlet about a company producing cars for Boston’s metro.
David Clarke, the director of UT’s Center for Transportation Research, talked to the outlet about a company producing cars for Boston’s metro.
A study by UT researchers could soon change the way electric bicycles are used and regulated. Led by Chris Cherry, the group took one of the first in-depth looks at how the behavior of e-bike riders compares to that of traditional bikers.
The Center for Transportation Research is helping launch a Knox County–wide outreach program, the Knoxville Area Scavenger Hunt, to help encourage middle and high school students in the area to learn more about and better use public transportation.
This week’s featured partnership is the Center for Transportation Research. CTR partners with state and local agencies, businesses, and industry throughout the country. CTR works with community agencies to meet the needs of transportation-disadvantaged residents and conducts a summer transportation academy for seventh- and eighth-grade girls.
As attention on the tragic Amtrak derailment turns to questions of what happened and what comes next UT’s David Clarke and Mark Burton have continued to play a national role for media in addressing those questions.
David Clarke, director of UT’s Center for Transportation Research, and Mark Burton, who works at the center, have once again been able to provide valuable insight to national media in the wake of a rail disaster.
The Center for Transportation Research and KAT recently held a contest for students to enter their best drawings and designs for potential use on buses and trolleys.
The Philadelphia Inquirer recently interviewed David Clarke, the director of UT’s Center for Transportation Research, about rail safety.
UT’s Sashi Nambisan and Jennifer Richards have garnered attention for a paper the two presented at the Engineering Leaders for Grand Challenges conference held at Texas A&M University at Qatar.
NBC News interviewed Center for Transportation Research Director David Clarke about a fatal train crash in New York and what safety measures can be taken to prevent future incidents.
UT’s Larry Bray and Mark Burton, both of the Center for Transportation Research as well as the Department of Economics, recently helped author a study on inland waterways.
Center for Transportation Research Director David Clarke, considered an expert in the field of rail transportation, safety, and shipping, recently talked to Motherboard about the future of driverless trains. Motherboard, on online magazine that describes itself as “dedicated to the intersection of technology, science and humans,” posed the question as to why, given all the