The Conversation: Teaching positive psychology skills at school may be one way to help student mental health and happiness
Science has shown that people can adopt strategies to feel happier.
Science has shown that people can adopt strategies to feel happier.
Refugees in Central and East Africa have watched their food rations be cut to unsustainably low levels.
The experiment of American democracy will never be finished so long as the promise of equality and liberty for all remains anywhere unfulfilled.
Inanimate objects are believed to transform not only into sacred things but also into active, living beings who can see, hear, taste and respond to the concerns of those who worship them.
National Park management policy treats commemorative works as historic features reflecting “the knowledge, attitudes, and tastes of the persons who designed and placed them.”
While settler colonial policies can include genocide, they take many forms.
The podcast from UT’s Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs wrapped up its third season Nov. 7.
Intersectionality refers to the intertwining of different identities such as class, gender and age.
The collaboration between UT and CHS advances health-related workforce development, equity in clinical practice, and community well-being in Tennessee through innovation and discovery.
Christian and Muslim communities have been neighbors in the area around Gaza for over 1,300 years.
St. Francis and his fellow friars did not embrace the idea of pets, but he did promote harmony among animals and humans.
The class involves the various techniques of using the sword.