Sustainability Efforts Net Hathaway Prestigious NSF CAREER Award
Water sustainability and resource use has led at least the fifth UT faculty member in three months to win a National Science Foundation CAREER award.
Water sustainability and resource use has led at least the fifth UT faculty member in three months to win a National Science Foundation CAREER award.
UT’s Society of Women Engineers chapter is hosting its third annual spring event, “Tomorrow’s Engineers Today,” which gives middle school girls a chance to come to campus for a day and get hands-on experience in various types of engineering.
The Knoxville Mercury has featured a multidisciplinary UT research project that aims to better understand how climate affects Knoxville residents on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis.
Weather information and air quality data pinpointed to your very neighborhood and street could soon be at your fingertips, thanks to a UT research project.
The Baker Center has released an inaugural Energy Scorecard for the American States, which includes a visual and interactive map.
A better understanding of how carbon cycles through the ocean could advance our knowledge of climate change, according to a UT researcher.
Deaf theatergoers are finding it easier to enjoy stage productions at the Clarence Brown Theatre, thanks to an ongoing collaboration with the campus Center on Deafness.
Construction on campus and the City of Knoxville’s upgrades to Cumberland Avenue will bring about road closures and traffic signal upgrades that begin over Spring Break.