MSN Quotes Feller in Story Examining What it Means to be ‘Presidential’
MSN quoted history professor Dan Feller in this story examining whether Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has what it takes to be and act “presidential.”
MSN quoted history professor Dan Feller in this story examining whether Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has what it takes to be and act “presidential.”
National Public Radio’s All Things Considered program interviewed Stephen V. Ash, UT professor emeritus in history, about the 150th anniversary of the Memphis Massacre.
International and national outlets highlight a new UT decomposition study.
UT’s second annual “Be a Hero” Day was a great success. Some 350 alumni and friends participated in the special day on April 27 to support student, faculty, and staff UT projects via VOLstarter, UT’s crowdfunding site.
The College of Nursing will celebrate National Nurses Week May 6–12. Special dates include May 6, which is marked as RN Recognition Day, and May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of nursing as a modern profession.
National Public Radio’s On the Media Interviewed history professor Dan Feller about what the election of 1824 tells us about the role of parties in American democracy.
An undergraduate public writing class based out of the Department of English inspired four students to turn their group project into a way to help others. The Knoxville Mercury highlighted the students’ effort.
Beardsley Community Farm has a new education center and other amenities thanks in part to students and faculty in the College of Architecture and Design, many community partners, and donations from area businesses.
The Leadership Academy has announced its next class for the 2016–17 academic year.