UT’s Online Learning Programs Among the Best in Rankings by US News
UT offers more than 70 online degree and certificate programs through Vols Online.
UT offers more than 70 online degree and certificate programs through Vols Online.
The Campus Advisory Board gathered to hear university priorities, including the ways UT wants to distinguish itself as an institution. Leaders outlined university achievements, record successes and innovative programs to guide students, provide them with experiential learning opportunities and build the future workforce.
The board also approved a new academic program in the Herbert College of Agriculture and heard updates on Digital Learning, the university’s new unit supporting fully online students.
The board approved lease agreements and honorary degrees, and heard updates on online learning.
UT Chancellor Donde Plowman joined Arizona State University President Michael Crow to discuss a groundbreaking partnership between the two institutions that will expand access to higher education. Their discussion was part of a global education innovation conference.
UT is hosting Digital Learning Week April 8-12 to highlight how its Digital Learning unit is working with academic units to expand access for online learners worldwide.