For the sixth year in a row, UT’s Student Nurses Association will host its annual Sprint for the Prints 5K Run and Walk. The event will take place at 9 a.m. on September 29, beginning on Circle Park Drive.
All proceeds will go to support the Precious Prints project, which provides free fingerprint charms to families who have lost a child. The project aims at helping families channel their grief in a healthy, compassionate way.
UT nursing students manage the project in its entirety. They collect funds year-round to buy materials to produce the charms, and train nurses in area hospitals on obtaining fingerprints and caring for the families during their devastating loss.
Lynne Miller, an instructor in the College of Nursing and director of the Precious Prints project, said that this race, while exciting and fun, is a way to ensure that funding will be available to continue providing this gift to families who experience the loss of a child.
“Sprint for the Prints is a time when students, nurses, and families come together to remember the life of a precious child. Registration is very much appreciated by our students and the families we help, as we rely heavily on our community’s support,” Miller added.
The success of the program shows in its growth. The College of Nursing recently signed an agreement with Covenant Health to bring Precious Prints to all the hospitals of the network in the area, including Cumberland Medical Center in Crossville and Methodist Medical Center in Oak Ridge.
Registration for the run is open online, and children under 10 run free of charge. Local businesses will offer gift cards and other prizes to the participants.
Andrea Schneibel (, 865-974-3993)