The Office of the Dean of Students now oversees the 865-974-HELP referral line for students in distress. The 24-hour, seven-day- a-week phone number provides our campus community a way to share a concern regarding themselves or a fellow Vol.
The Office of the Dean of Students’ central mission is to engage and support students throughout their learning experience by providing programs and services that connect them to the campus. The referral line’s transition to this office provides a seamless process for care and support to our student population.
“A hallmark of the Volunteer community is that we take care of one another. The transition to our office centralizes care and support for students while also assisting the university in leveraging partnerships within our campus community,” said Shea Kidd Houze, assistant vice chancellor for student life and dean of students. “Our goal is to embed a culture of care on our campus among students, staff, and faculty. We are keenly aware that students who feel supported, particularly in times of distress, are more likely to thrive academically.”
865-974-HELP is answered by a professional staff member in the Office of the Dean of Students from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. After hours and on weekends and holidays, the line is answered by a mental health professional.
Previously, 974-HELP was overseen by the Center for Health Education and Wellness.
If you have questions about the transition, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 865-974-3179.