Piotr Wilczek, Polish ambassador to the United States, will speak at UT’s Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy Wednesday, April 12, as part of the Ashe Distinguished Lecture Series.
Wilczek’s lecture, “Poland and the World,” begins at 5:30 p.m. in the center’s Toyota Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.
Wilczek is a prolific literary scholar, historian, writer, and translator. Until 2008, he served as a professor and dean at the University of Silesia in Poland. He then moved to the University of Warsaw and founded its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Until his diplomatic appointment in the US in October 2016, Wilczek worked for the New York–based Kosciuszko Foundation in Poland. He authored and edited 22 published monographs and more than 100 journal articles that have appeared in Poland, the UK and the United States. He is an active member of the Warsaw–based nonpartisan American Study Group at the Polish Institute of International Affairs.
The Ashe Distinguished Lecture Series is part of UT’s Leadership and Governance Policy program and was established with a gift from former Knoxville mayor and US Ambassador to Poland Victor Ashe. Ambassadors and mayors are invited to speak on a variety of public policy matters, including foreign relations, diplomacy, world affairs, and local government.
Elizabeth Woody (865-974-0931, ewoody2@utk.edu)
Tyra Haag (865-974-5460, tyra.haag@tennessee.edu)