UT has scheduled several campus construction and repair projects to take place during spring break, March 13–17, when pedestrian and vehicle traffic are at lower levels.
From Saturday, March 11, to Sunday, March 19, Middle Drive on the Hill will be closed from Phillip Fulmer Way to the intersection with Lower Drive as workers install underground pipes. Access to the Perkins Hall parking lot and areas along Middle Drive north of Perkins will be maintained by temporarily converting the nearby section of Lower Drive to two-way traffic from Estabrook Drive.
Pedestrian and vehicular traffic along the east end of Volunteer Boulevard from the corner of Dunford Hall to the Pedestrian Mall will be impacted from Monday, March 13, to Thursday, August 10, for installation of new water hydrants and replacement of steam lines. A portion of the sidewalk from Dunford Circle to the Pedestrian Mall will be closed. However, pedestrians will be able to access the north and south entrances of Hodges Library. Traffic lanes in that section of Volunteer Boulevard will be reduced to one lane in each direction until August 10.
A section of Peyton Manning Pass between the Circle Park exit and Phillip Fulmer Way will be closed Thursday, March 15, and Friday, March 17, for repainting of curbs, the center line, and crosswalks.
For more information, call 974-3061.