Beginning this fall, the university will migrate to Turning Technologies’ TurningPoint Cloud as a campus-supported personal response system for classroom polling, commonly referred to as clickers. TurningPoint Cloud is a hybrid polling option that features desktop polling with a hand-held clicker device and ResponseWare for web-enabled polling via a mobile license and a smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.
With the migration, only the clickers shown above will be supported. These are (from left to right) the NXT, NXT2, QT, and the newest QT2 device. Although the older NXT, and NXT2 devices are no longer manufactured, they will currently function with TurningPoint Cloud. The older model XR devices will no longer be supported. Students who purchased a clicker prior to spring 2015, may want to consider upgrading to a new QT2 device.
Note: All faculty and students using clicker technology must create a Turning Account to use TurningPoint Cloud. If you haven’t done so already, go to Turning Technologies’ website to create your Turning Account.
For information on the account and a rebate offer for students, visit OIT’s Personal Response Systems website.