Renowned archaeologist W. Y. Adams will discuss Nubian history in a talk presented by the UT Departments of Anthropology, Classics, Religious Studies, and History and the Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies on Tuesday, October 13.
Adams, professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of Kentucky, will speak at 7:30 p.m. in the McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture.
His lecture, which is free and open to the public, is titled “Nubia in Global Perspective: 60 Years of Archaeology in Sudan.” He will discuss the current understanding of successive periods of Nubian prehistory and history, which is mainly derived from archaeology since little written documentation remains.
Adams is considered the father of Nubian archaeology. He served as the Republic of Sudan’s principal archaeologist during UNESCO’s Save the Monuments campaign, directing numerous excavations in the wake of the Aswan High Dam construction in Egypt.
He is the author of many treatises, articles, site monographs, and books in addition to his monumental summary of the Nubian prehistory and history, Nubia: Corridor to Africa. The award-winning book traces Nubian history through archaeology and historical documentation. He was awarded the Order of the Two Niles, Sudan’s highest civilian honor, for his lifetime contributions to Nubian history.
Adams is the second speaker in the annual lecture series organized by the East Tennessee Society of the Archaeological Institute of America and the McClung Museum. The remaining lectures will also take place at 7:30 p.m. in the McClung Museum.
October 27—Gwyn Davies, associate professor of history, Florida International University, “The Late Roman Fort at Yotvata, Israel.”
November 10—Anne Chapin, associate professor of art history and archaeology, Brevard College, “Dressed to Impress: Art and Haute Couture in the Aegean Bronze Age.”
January 19—Tim Baumann, research associate professor and curator of archaeology, McClung Museum, “Painting in the Shadows: Prehistoric Negative Painted Pottery in Tennessee and the Eastern Woodlands.”
February 16—Charles Finney, Cave Research Foundation, “Cave of Remembered Dreams: Recording Cultural Resources in the Cumberland Gap Cave System.”
March 8—John H. Oakley, chancellor professor and Forrest D. Murden, Jr. Professor, College of William and Mary, lecture on Greek archaeology, title to be announced.
April 5—James J. Aimers, associate professor of anthropology, State University of New York, Geneseo, “Recent Research on the Maya Collapse.”
Aleydis Van de Moortel (865-974-8279,