Parking and Transit Services has temporary positions open for parking attendants. Current UT Knoxville employees are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be available for seven football game day Saturdays and one training session on Saturday, August 8.
There also are positions for others who are not UT employees. To be eligible for a position, the applicant must be at least eighteen, have a high school diploma or GED equivalent, pass a background check, be able to stand for long periods of time in all weather conditions, and be clean and neat in appearance.
For more info, contact Kathy Stallings at 974-6031 or Applications are available at the Parking Services office at 2121 Stephenson Drive during regular business hours. UT employees need only complete a Personal Data Form and return the form to the office. An interview will be scheduled for selected applicants. The last day to apply is July 10.