With more scholarly journals being distributed electronically rather than in print form, Elsevier—a publishing company—has contracted with three UT College of Communication and Information faculty members to determine how journal articles are used after they are initially downloaded.
Chancellor’s Professor Carol Tenopir, Associate Professor Suzie Allard, and Adjunct Professor David Nicholas have received a $244,000 grant from Elsevier to lead a team of international researchers on a one-year project, “Beyond Downloads.”
The project will look at how scholarly electronic articles are downloaded, saved, and shared by researchers. Sharing in today’s digital environment may include links posted on social media, like Twitter, and in blogs or via e-mail. Having a realistic estimate of this secondary use will help provide a more accurate picture of the total use of scholarly articles.
Amy Blakely (865-974-5034, ablakely@utk.edu)