With more than 219 years of history, UT is a great place to be on Halloween. UT has everything a Halloween lover desires, from special ghost tours and zombie walks to haunted houses. There’s something guaranteed to raise every hair and chill every bone! Here’s a look at next week:
Pumpkin Carving Contest (today): VolShop is hosting a pumpkin carving contest from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. tonight in Presidential Courtyard. There will be prizes for creepiest, best UT themed, most original, and best residence hall pumpkins.
Reese Hall Haunted House (today and tomorrow): Head to Reese Hall today and tomorrow from 7:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. for the annual Habitat for Humanity fundraiser haunted house.$3 per person or $5 per couple will grant you entrance to the most chilling and thrilling haunted attraction around. Bring your friends and enter at the Reese Hall front desk… if you dare.
Trick or Treat ‘N Greet (today): Come to Freshmen Council’s ‘Trick or Treat ‘n Greet’ tonight for music, free food, costumes, candy, and more from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. in in Presidential Courtyard! Don’t miss a fun opportunity to meet some of your SGA representatives.
Vol Night Long: Vol-O-Ween (tomorrow): Vol Night Long is a new university tradition, giving UT students free, easily accessible entertainment. Head to Presidential Courtyard from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. tomorrow to enjoy inflatables, interactive games, contests, and free food.
UT Ghost Tours (Tuesday, October 29): Join fellow UT students looking for a fright during UT’s Ghost Tours. Explore some of the spookiest locations on campus. Tours begin at Reese and Clement at 8:00 p.m.
Zombie Walk (Wednesday, October 30): The Film Committee proudly presents the annual Zombie Walk! Come dressed in your best zombie outfits to be “zombiefied” with makeup at 7:00 p.m. on the Pedestrian Walkway. Shuffle your way down to the UC Auditorium for the movie Zombieland.
National Residence Hall Honorary Trunk or Treat (Wednesday, October 30): Join members of the National Residence Hall Honorary as they celebrate Trunk or Treat from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at Circle Park. Student organizations are invited to decorate a car trunk and pass out candy and goodies to children!
International House Halloween Party (Thursday, October 31): The International House will host students at their annual Halloween Party, offering free food and a dance party. Join the festivities in your best costume, as the top three outfits will be awarded prizes! The event begins at 7:00 p.m. at the International House.
For UT’s spooky history, visit utk.edu/news/2006halloween.shtml.