It’s time to submit your events, activities, speakers, and programs to be included in the Ready for the World Passport for the fall semester of the 2013-2014 academic year.
Faculty, staff, and students are urged to use an electronic form to quickly and easily provide information about events related to the international and intercultural initiative.
The Ready for the World Passport helps promote campus activities and initiatives to students, faculty, and staff. It serves as a valuable record of the extensive programming that supports Ready for the World goals.
In order to produce the Passport in time for the start of the fall semester, information about your unit’s fall programs is needed by Friday, May 17. These events might include films, lectures, exhibits, and campus-wide activities.
Remember that Ready for the World encompasses both international and intercultural efforts, as well as activities that promote the civility and community initiative.
Any questions about the Passport should be addressed to Amy Blakely at or 865-974-5034.