T Cooper, novelist, memoirist, and short-story writer, will read from his work on March 11 as part of the Writers in the Library series.
The reading will be at 7:00 p.m. in the Hodges Library Auditorium. It is free and open to the public.
Cooper is the author of three novels and a memoir and editor of a short story anthology, A Fictional History of the United States (with Huge Chunks Missing).
He has published fiction and nonfiction in numerous publications, including the New Yorker and the New York Times.
Cooper’s most recent book, Real Man Adventures, explores the author’s experiences as a transgender person. Through letters, essays, artwork, and interviews, Cooper examines what it means to be masculine. Amanda Hess of Slate describes the book as an investigation of “how all those big and little gender decisions have played out in [Cooper’s] life—a man who has always known he was a man, though he was not born that way.”
Cooper has adapted and produced a short animated film based on his graphic novel, The Beaufort Diaries. The film, which appeared at several film festivals, was directed by the book’s illustrator, Alex Petrowsky, and starred actor David Duchovny.
Cooper currently divides his time between New York and the South, but he has also lived in Los Angeles, Vermont, and New Orleans. He has won several writing residencies and was a visiting faculty member at Middlebury College.
Writers in the Library is sponsored by the UT Libraries and the UT Creative Writing Program in association with the John C. Hodges Better English Fund. For more information contact Marilyn Kallet, director of UT’s Creative Writing Program (mkallet@utk.edu), or Christopher Hebert, writer-in-residence at UT Libraries (chebert3@utk.edu).
For more information about T Cooper, visit t-cooper.com.
Upcoming Writers in the Library events will feature:
- April 8: Adam Prince, a UT graduate and author of the short story collection The Beautiful Wishes of Ugly Men
- April 15: Poets Marilyn Kallet and Arthur Smith, both UT English professors
- April 25: Winners of UT’s creative writing awards
C O N T A C T :
Amy Blakely (865-974-5034, amy.blakely@tennessee.edu)
Holly Gary (865-974-2225, hgary@utk.edu)