To: UT Knoxville Undergraduate Students
From: University Registrar Monique Anderson
Subject: UT Knoxville Academic Standing Policy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, expects all students who enroll to make progress toward graduation. To graduate from UT Knoxville, a student must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. The university reviews students’ academic records at the end of each term to determine academic standing. The undergraduate catalog contains additional requirements for specific programs.
Good Academic Standing
A student is in good academic standing when both the student’s term and cumulative GPAs are 2.00 or higher or, if after two consecutive terms, the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.00 or higher and at least one term GPA is also 2.00 or higher.
Academic Probation
A student will be placed on academic probation when (1) his/her cumulative GPA falls below the minimum acceptable level of 2.00 for one semester or (2) the semester GPA falls below the minimum acceptable level of 2.00 for two consecutive terms of enrollment.
During the semester that a student is placed on academic probation and any other semesters in academic probation, a student must participate in a special directive advising program to help the student address concerns that are impacting his/her academic performance and to outline a plan for achieving academic success. This model of early intervention is designed to help students regroup and position themselves for academic success. Students on academic probation status during a term will automatically be dismissed at the end of that term if both (1) the cumulative GPA is below a 2.00 and (2) the term GPA is below a 2.00.
A student will no longer be on academic probation when his or her cumulative grade point average is 2.00 or higher and the term grade point average is 2.00 or higher. This policy is in place in recognition of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s minimum grade point average of 2.00 for graduation.
Academic Dismissal
Academic dismissal is the end result of a pattern of receiving grades that are below the university’s standards for good academic standing (GPA of 2.00 or better).
Students who have been academically dismissed are not eligible to enroll in classes, either full-time or part-time, at the University of Tennessee (including correspondence and online courses). Academically dismissed students are not permitted to live in university housing and no longer have the privileges provided through the UT student identification card (VolCard). Academically dismissed students must remain away from the university for a mandatory absence and should use the period of dismissal to reflect on and address the factors that led to poor performance.
First Academic Dismissal
A student dismissed for the first time may not be readmitted until after a full semester (not including summer) has elapsed.
Second Academic Dismissal
A student dismissed for the second time may be readmitted after one calendar year has elapsed and after completing a minimum of 12 semester credits of academic coursework with at least a 2.50 cumulative grade point average from accredited institution(s) of higher education. Students who have been dismissed twice are required to meet with the Undergraduate Council Appeals Committee. Students may be readmitted only when they present evidence that they are capable of performing at the level required to meet university academic standards and completing all degree requirements within a reasonable length of time.
Third Academic Dismissal
After a third dismissal, a student is ineligible to attend the university and may not apply for readmission. Students who have been academically dismissed and who are readmitted will be dismissed again if they fail to earn a 2.00 minimum term GPA at the end of the first semester after readmission and every term thereafter until the cumulative GPA reaches a 2.00.