By now, many Knoxville-area UT employees have received an e-mail or paper survey for the system-wide employee satisfaction survey.
The UT System is overseeing the confidential survey, which is designed to gauge your opinions and needs in areas such as pay, benefits, job satisfaction, professional development, performance evaluation, leadership, and communication.
The survey is open through November 15 and is being administered by ModernThink, a private company. All responses from UT employees are sent directly to the company, who have several measures in place to protect individuals’ confidentiality.
UT system employees (Institute of Agriculture, Institute for Public Service) and UT Knoxville campus hourly employees were invited to take the survey by e-mail on Tuesday, November 1. The e-mail outlines directions and a unique log in. Follow up e-mails will be sent over the next two weeks. UT Knoxville faculty and exempt staff took the same survey earlier this year, so only new Knoxville campus employees in these categories are being solicited to respond this month.
Please take the time to read the instructions carefully. Employees should call ModernThink’s helpdesk at (888) 684-4658 or with technical questions.
The online survey is now accessible 24 hours a day. It takes about twenty minutes to finish and is completely anonymous.
In the spring, employees will be invited to attend open forums to hear about the results, which for Knoxville, will be combined with faculty and exempt staff employees’ data collected earlier this year.
Additional information about the survey and how results will be used can be found at