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With the approaching local, state, and federal elections, I encourage you to learn all you can about the views of the candidates on issues important to you and then to cast your vote for those who best represent your views.

As you engage in the political process, please remember that state and federal laws do not allow the use of university time or resources on behalf of any party or candidate for political office. All political campaign activity and participation in political meetings and rallies must be done on your personal time and with personal resources. University equipment (computers, printers, fax machines, telephones, etc.), e-mail and surface mail systems, internet access, letterhead, and all other university resources cannot be used in support of a party or candidate. Printed forms of campaign advertising (banners, placards, streamers, stickers, signs, etc.) cannot be displayed on university property. However, you may attach a campaign decal or bumper sticker to the personal vehicle you drive to work.

Again, I encourage everyone to take advantage of the great freedom of voting to determine who will hold our government offices. Thank you.