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KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Two lunchtime book discussions on Japanese culture will be hosted this fall by The University of Tennessee-Knoxville and the Knox County Public Library.

The discussions will be led by faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences.

“Lunch and Learn” sessions will meet at noon, Oct. 24 and Nov. 14, at Lawson-McGhee Library, 500 West Church Ave.

Dr. Wayne Farris, UT history professor, will lead the October discussion on “Thousand Cranes” by Yasunari Kawabata.

Dr. Jon LaCure, UT assistant professor of romance and Asian languages, will lead the November discussion on “The Twilight Years” by Sawako Ariyoshi.

Although open to everyone, the program is targeted to readers who work in downtown Knoxville.

“A lot of people enjoy reading and discussing books with others but can’t find time to participate in reading and discussion groups that meet in the evening and on weekends,” said Lynn Champion, the college’s director of academic outreach.

“The Lunch and Learn sessions only last 45 minutes and fit easily into the workday lunch schedule,” she said.

Anyone interested in the program may register and obtain reading materials at the Lawson-McGhee Library during regular business hours. Copies of the books, a reading guide and the discussions are provided without charge.

Registration for the program begins Sept. 9. For more information, call the college’s Office of Academic Outreach at 974-4676.