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KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Workshops to help state industries cut waste and increase efficiency are being conducted across the state by the University of Tennessee’s Center for Industrial Services.

The UT “Lean Manufacturing” workshop series is set for March 19 in Knoxville, March 21 in Nashville and March 26 in Jackson.

Joe Patton, supplier development engineer for Saturn Corp., will teach the courses with UT’s Center for Industrial Services trainers.

Ron Rader, a CIS training manager, said the workshops

will demonstrate proven methods, techniques and applications that make manufacturing processes leaner and less wasteful.

The training also is geared to show plant managers more efficient and effective ways to respond to customer demands which require smaller production runs and more varied product mix, Rader said.

To register or get more information, contact Carolyn Dexter at (423) 974-3018.

Contact: Ron Rader (423-974-3018)