Faculty and Staff Members Named to Knox.Biz ‘40 Under 40’
A faculty member in UT’s College of Arts and Sciences and a staff member in the Institute of Agriculture have been honored in the 2022 Knox News and Knox.biz “40 Under 40” awards.
A faculty member in UT’s College of Arts and Sciences and a staff member in the Institute of Agriculture have been honored in the 2022 Knox News and Knox.biz “40 Under 40” awards.
Julian Cosner, who begins his PhD studies this fall in entomology and plant pathology, has set his sights on an area that’s just taking root: pest management for the industrial hemp industry in the southeastern United States.
UT patents have helped improve everything from rechargeable batteries to the taste of dairy products. For example, UT–Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair for Global Nuclear Security Howard Hall, Nuclear Engineering Professor Steven Skutnik, and nuclear engineering student Michael Willis developed and patented a mobile device that can successfully detect sources of nuclear radiation. Take
The university commemorated the 150th anniversary of the establishment of public land-grant universities on Saturday, November 3, during the annual Ag Day celebration. President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Land Grant College Act of 1862, providing federal funds to establish many of America’s public colleges and universities to teach agriculture and the mechanical arts to