At a time when international travel can be unpredictable, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Programs Abroad Office is providing students with opportunities to enroll in global internships through its Online Global Programs.
Eight UT business students are participating in online global internships for the spring 2021 semester. These students are involved in opportunities all around the world, from Dublin, Ireland, to Sydney, Australia.
“The biggest benefit to me is the real-world experience,” said Gabe Parish, a senior studying business analytics and online global intern. The work I get to do is not dependent on whether I am in Australia in person or not, and I get to have a real impact on a real company. That part of this experience is awesome to me.”
“As a result of the pandemic, we are trying to build opportunities for global engagement that students can access from anywhere,” said Michael Sáenz, interim assistant director for the Programs Abroad Office.
The internships allow students to gain global work experience and develop professional competencies with organizations located around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the world to become more reliant on connecting and collaborating virtually. Online global internships can enable students to develop skills that will prepare them to be competitive in the marketplace.
“Our online global internships are affordable, relevant, and impactful to a student’s career goals.” Sáenz added.
Being part of a global professional experience from a student’s own home allows for an affordable, flexible, and unique international opportunity. Online Global Programs allows students to combine their course work with a part-time internship during the academic year or to participate in a full-time internship during the summer.
Students can apply for the CGE Study Abroad Undergraduate Scholarship for Online Global Programs, with an award amount of $450. The scholarship is accepting applications and can be applied toward the online program of a student’s choice.
Rachel Rui (865-974-5752,