The University of Tennessee’s Conflicts of Interest Fiscal Policy FI0125 requires all regular faculty and staff to disclose certain outside interests and activities. These disclosure requirements help prevent or minimize conflicts between an employee’s outside interests and his or her university responsibilities.
To better facilitate the process, IRIS has recently redesigned the outside interest disclosure form to be integrated with IRIS workflow and make use of the new IRIS mobile platform.
Please note the following changes:
- The form is now available on the IRIS Mobile platform. IRIS Mobile is available to all users, not just those with IRIS access. Simply sign in with your NetID and password.
- Documentation for submitting and approving this form is available on the IRIS outside interest disclosure help website.
- Those involved with Public Health System (PHS) research will no longer have to access an additional form as required by Fiscal Policy FI0125. The PHS portion is now included with the regular form. See details below.
- The due date for completing the disclosure form is November 1, 2018.
Additional required disclosure for investigators on PHS-funded research projects: Employees, students, and others will be required to answer questions under Part ll of the policy if they are deemed to be an investigator on a PHS-funded research project (including NIH research projects). For these employees, the required questions will appear in addition to those on the main part of the form. New PHS regulations require that investigators complete training on the new PHS regulations and the university’s conflicts of interest policy and answer the additional questions before a new award date on a current project or before a proposal for new funding can be submitted. Campus research and business officers will determine who will be required to complete the new disclosure form under Part II and when the initial disclosure must be made. Requirements to update the initial disclosure are stated in Part II of the conflicts of interest policy. This part of the form is also paperless and employees will be asked the relevant questions if they answer yes to the key question asking whether they participate in PHS-funded research.
As a reminder, completing this form by November 1 is a requirement for all regular faculty and staff. If you have any questions about the form, email For policy-related questions, contact Samantha Johnson at