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Severe Weather and Flood Preparedness Week kicks off today. The Office of Emergency Management will be tabling at various locations around campus to provide preparedness tips and information to help you be prepared in an emergency situation.

Events This Week

One of the best ways you can make sure you are individually prepared and help build a resilient campus is to participate in this week’s activities and to take note of the information provided.

Stop by our table to participate in our scavenger hunt, to win prizes, to grab a snack and to learn more about the tools available to protect yourself in the event of an emergency.

February 26: Scavenger hunt begins!

February 27: Lightning/Thunderstorm Safety
The International House, 2:30 – 5 p.m.

February 28: Flooding Safety
Hodges Library, 12:45 – 3:30 p.m.

March 1: Fire Safety
Hodges Library, 9:30 – 12 p.m.

March 2: Tornado Safety
Pedestrian Walkway, 9:30 – 12 p.m.

March 5: Earthquake Safety: scavenger hunt ends!
Pedestrian Walkway, 12:45 – 3:30 p.m.

Visit the campus safety website for more information and tips under the Emergency Management menu.

Scavenger Hunt Details

The scavenger hunt begins Monday, February 26. Each participant must sign up at the Emergency Management table. Students are encouraged to complete challenges with their friends! To be considered, all submissions must be either posted with the #UTKSWW18 or direct messaged to the @utpolice Instagram by 5 p.m. Monday, March 5. The four students who earn the most points throughout the week will receive a $50 gift card to the VolShop. Participants will be notified via email later in the week.

Participants should:

  1. Sign up at Emergency Management Table
  2. Decide which items they would like to go after
  3. Take pictures of themselves completing each challenge
  4. Post their submissions using #UTKSWW18 or direct message their submissions to the @utpolice Instagram

Submissions should include your name, the challenge number being completed, and your location when specified.

  1. Check back in with the Emergency Management table for more chances to win points!
Challenge Number Challenge Points
1 Emergency First Aid Kits can be a great start to developing your preparedness stores. Take a photo of your kit and post it! 30
2 In an earthquake it’s important to know what to do. Show that you’ll be safe by assuming the position of Drop, Cover, and Hold-on! Snap a photo and send it in so that we can see. 30
3 Disasters can prevent emergency services from reaching everyone quickly. Be prepared to last 72 hours without assistance. Students should design a 72-hour Emergency Kit with whatever they think they would need to survive an apocalypse. Students are encouraged to be creative. The more outrageous the better! The two students with the best designs will be chosen to receive a free emergency kit.

Send us a picture of your 72 – hour Kit and its contents.*

4 Emergency phones are your first lifeline to receiving emergency responders’ assistance. Whether to report a crime or get medical assistance, these phones are a wonderful resource on campus. Find a blue phone and take a photo of yourself by it. Post it in with your location! 25
5 It’s important to plan out a way to contact your loved ones ahead of an emergency. Sometimes communications can be spotty following a disaster. Take a photo of a completed emergency communications plan and direct message it.  BONUS of 50 points if it is on UT Emerg. Comm. Magnet (available at Emergency Management Table) 75 – 125
6 Fire extinguishers are your first line of defense for response to a fire. Knowing where they’re located can save seconds and lives in an emergency. Take a picture of one and send it in with your location! 25
7 Severe Weather Week events are ongoing!  Locate the emergency management table and snap a photo of yourself receiving information at our table. Send it in! 70
8 Water can be scarce in an emergency for many reasons; from frozen pipes to contamination. FEMA recommends having a gallon of water per person per day in your 72 – hour emergency kit. Gather 3 gallons of water for yourself, take a photo, and send it in. 40
9 Look for emergency procedure posters located in campus buildings. Snap a photo and send it in with your location! 25
10 Some disasters like tornadoes appear suddenly, without much warning. Being able to quickly find shelter can mean the difference between life and death. Locate the shelter signage (Building Emergency Information) in the building you frequent the most and take a picture of yourself in its shelter location. 30
11 Download the Guardian app and login to access the UT-specific interactive features. Take a screenshot and send it in. 40
12 The American Red Cross has an app for that; literally… any emergency. Download one of their fine apps, take a screenshot and post it. 30
13 Complete the UT Emergency Preparedness Training on Canvas <> 120

* Please do not include any weapons, as defined in the university’s Student Code of Conduct, in your 72–hour emergency kit.