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The Office of Communications and Marketing won nine top awards at the annual American Advertising Awards gala on February 25 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Knoxville. Several UT staff and students attended the 1980s-themed event.

In addition to winning a gold award, the College of Architecture and Design’s annual report also brought home best in category.

Other projects that won gold awards in their categories include the Make Orange Green 2016–17 calendar, the “Big Orange. Big Ideas: Rocky Top Tennessee” video that was nationally televised during UT football games, and the Big Orange Give campaign.

The fall 2016 Torchbearer cover, the admissions viewbook, and Building on Tradition: Chancellor’s 2015 Annual Report won silver honors.

The School of Music won two bronze awards, and ten UT students won bronze or silver awards.

American Advertising Awards (ADDY) – Knoxville Area


Make Orange Green Calendar, 2016-17

Category: Public Service

Client: Office of Sustainability

UT College of Architecture and Design 2015 Annual Report

Named Best in Category

Category: Public Service

Client: College of Architecture and Design

“Big Orange Give Campaign”

Category: Online/Interactive Campaign

“Big Orange. Big Ideas: Rocky Top Tennessee” video

Category: Television Advertising and Public Service Television



Torchbearer Cover, Fall 2016

Category: Collateral Material

UT Admissions Viewbook

Category: Public Service

Building on Tradition: Chancellor’s 2015 Annual Report

Category: Public Service



Quest magazine, “New Elements”

Category: Photography, Elements of Advertising

“Volunteers Make a Difference” Video Series

“Clay County Water”

“Darnell Reid/Good Hands Care”

“UT Science Saturdays”

Category: Television Advertising and Public Service Television