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Over the next year, all faculty, staff, and student employees using university computing equipment will be required to complete a brief survey identifying the types of information on your university-owned equipment. The survey is required, or your device will be deleted from the network.
The classification survey will provide the Office of Information Technology information about the data stored, viewed, or processed on the university-owned equipment that you use. A recent security assessment recommended that such a survey be completed on an annual basis.
Otherwise, you will get an email sometime during the next 12 months instructing you to complete the survey. If the survey is not completed within 30 days of that notice, your network registration will be deleted and you will have to re-register the device before getting back online.
Depending on the devices you use, the registration process will involve one or two steps:
  • Visit to see a list of devices you have registered on UT’s network. Select “classify” and then mark any of the data that you routinely store on your computer.
  • If any of the devices on your list are personally owned rather than university owned, you will need to identify them as your personal devices by updating your network registration entry. This change will not affect your ability to access the internet via that device.
If you find a device on your list that you do not own or use, contact the owner or the OIT HelpDesk. If you have trouble completing the survey, you can seek assistance by contacting the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900.