Four construction projects at UT have been honored by American School and University magazine as examples of the best in design among colleges and universities.
The magazine’s November issue recognized the John D. Tickle Engineering Building with an Outstanding Post-Secondary Project Design award for projecting “a welcoming image and unique departmental identity,” with an atrium and outdoor plaza that serve “a multifunctional role for gatherings and events.”
UT’s Engineering Quad and Estabrook Road/Second Creek Restoration project was given an Outstanding Landscape Architecture Design award. The quad “emphasizes the collaboration” of the Tickle College of Engineering’s disciplines while providing access to the Estabrook Road streetscape improvements, including new seating areas, sidewalks, and improved Wi-Fi access.
The magazine recognized the ongoing Strong Hall Science Laboratory Facility and Stokely Family Residence Hall projects with Outstanding Works in Progress awards. The publication noted Strong Hall’s “meshing of scientific theory and architectural history” that produce an “exciting and functional” academic structure. The Stokely Family Residence Hall’s “Fresh Concept” dining operation was noted, along with the building’s sustainable design, its “large windows for ample daylight,” and its courtyard providing “a welcoming entrance to the building.”
“We’re pleased with the recognition by American School and University magazine,” said Dave Irvin, associate vice chancellor for facilities services. “Two of our projects, Strong Hall and the Stokely Family Residence Hall, aren’t even finished yet and they’re earning national praise, which is thrilling,” he said.
“The Tickle Engineering Building and the renovations to the engineering quad and restoration of the Second Creek area are just the two most recent physical signs of the growth our college has undergone in recent years,” said Wayne Davis, dean of the Tickle College of Engineering. “Our enrollment has grown by more than a thousand students in the last decade, and we are committed to providing them with the best facilities and campus experience that they can have.
“These two projects are signs of that commitment.”
For more information on campus construction projects, visit the Cone Zone website.
Charles Primm (865-974-5180,