Faculty and staff are invited to attend a session next week to learn about the progress of the General Education Redesign Task force and to share your feedback on the ideas for a reinvigorated general education program the task force has been working on.
There are two sessions specifically for non-tenure track faculty. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to Cora Ripley (cmacmill@utk.edu) for one of the following sessions by Sunday, October 16:
Tuesday, October 18, noon–1:30 p.m., West Wing, Haslam Business Building
Wednesday October 19, noon–1:30 p.m., West Wing, Haslam Business Building
All faculty (tenure line, non-tenure track, and graduate teaching assistants) and staff are invited to attend one of the following sessions. No RSVP is needed:
Monday, October 17, 9–10 a.m. Ayres Hall Room 308H
Wednesday, October 19, 3–4 p.m. Greve Hall Room 330
Thursday, October 20, 11 a.m.–noon Greve Hall Room 330
For more information about the task force, visit http://provost.utk.edu/general-education-redesign-taskforce Contact Erin Hardin (erin.hardin@utk.edu) with questions.