Chemistry Professor Kabalka to Retire After Forty-Six Years
George Kabalka, a chemistry professor whose research has helped in the advancement of imaging techniques used in the medical field, will retire from UT after a forty-six-year career.
George Kabalka, a chemistry professor whose research has helped in the advancement of imaging techniques used in the medical field, will retire from UT after a forty-six-year career.
The history, agriculture, and legacy surrounding Appalachia will be the subject of a conference co-hosted by UT May 22-24.
Joshua Fu, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been instrumental in the study of black carbon.
For Robin Klehr Avia—now regional managing principal of one of the world’s leading architectural firms—being on stage at the College of Architecture and Design commencement ceremony filled a gap missing from her life for forty years. Having missed her own graduation ceremony because of family issues, she finally walked the stage during the UT commencement
On Saturday, Makayla Claussen received a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences.
A section of Volunteer Boulevard between UT Drive and Pat Head Summitt Street will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic this summer for the first phase of a new project to remake the street into a more pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare.
Families and the public are invited to join the McClung Museum from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Monday, May 23, for a “Geology Rocks!” Stroller Tour.