Vol Fighters, the student veterans group at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is hosting a weeklong film series beginning on April 11. The films will be shown in Room 210 of the Alumni Memorial Building.
Organizers say they want people to see that veterans and the military value diversity. Film screenings will be complemented by panel discussions.
Monday, April 11, 5:00-10:00 p.m.
- The film festival begins with the Pride Center and screenings of Transgender, at War and in Love, Lioness, and Day One. The discussion will focus on women’s roles in combat and what it is like to identify as LGBTQ while in the military.
Wednesday, April 13, 5:00-10:00 p.m.
- The second night explores a population whose members were at the peak performance level of their lives and now struggle with mental or physical wounds from war. Individuals will learn about Project Healing Waters through a student-made film called, Teach a Man to Fish. They also will be showing The Last Patrol and concluding the night with American Sniper.
Friday, April 15, 5:00-10:00 p.m.
- The film festival ends with a cookout and discussion about coming home from WWII and dealing with racial barriers forced on African Americans. The night begins with Leon Bass and Face to Face with Evil, his story of serving as an African American in the US Army and witnessing the Buchenwald concentration camp liberation. The night continues with Men of Honor and ends with 42: The Jackie Robinson Story.
For more information on where to purchase tickets or more background on the First Annual Vol Fighters Film Festival, visit the Vol Fighter’s web page.
This event is sponsored by WUTK, Goteez, and UT’s Center for Career Development, College of Social Work, and Department of Nutrition. It is funded in part through the Student Programming Allocation Committee.
C O N T A C T :
Amy Blakely (865-974-5034, ablakely@utk.edu)