Chancellor Jimmy G. Cheek and the Center for Health Education and Wellness welcomed about 700 UT Knoxville employees to a lunch celebrating the launch of a new employee wellness program, Be Well, on Thursday, January 28, in Thompson-Boling Arena.
Be Well is a resource bank for organizing campus wellness activities and a central point for information and services that can help employees improve their health.
The Be Well team from the Center for Health Education and Wellness helped employees sign up for the Small Starts app and gave away gear to help them start making small healthy changes. After lunch, attendees played basketball on the court or walk laps on the concourse level.
Read more about the Be Well program.
The menu included Thai citrus salad, pasta salad, grilled chicken, sweet and sour pork loin, slaw, sesame green beans, jeweled orzo, fruit, and brownie bites.