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Over the past year, as part of the university’s successful Carnegie Community Engagement Classification application process, the Office of Research and Engagement has featured a list of fifty of UT’s best community-campus partnerships. The university celebrated its status as an engaged institution throughout the year by highlighting these individual examples in articles that show their unique contribution to the community. The final program in our list is VolsTeach.


600x300-Research-MethodsVolsTeach targets undergraduate math, science, and engineering majors who are interested in expanding their professional skills and exploring a career in secondary teaching. VolsTeach relies upon experienced elementary, middle, and high school teachers to mentor University of Tennessee students during their field-based experiences. VolsTeach also hosts the Noyce Seminar series, which brings in guest speakers who give insight to students about STEM-related programs.

Related Story: Two VolsTeach Students Receive Noyce Scholarship