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As part of the university’s successful Carnegie Community Engagement Classification application process, the Office of Research and Engagement has compiled a list of fifty of UT’s best community-campus partnerships. The university will be celebrating its status as an engaged institution throughout the year by featuring these individual examples in articles that highlight their unique contribution to the community.

Service Learning Capstone in Communications

prcapsService Learning in UT’s Public Relations capstone class provides students with hands-on learning experience in the development and planning of an entire communication campaign, including research, action planning, communication, and evaluation techniques. This course is offered every fall and spring semester.

Related Story: Public Relations in the Public Interest

Public Library Service Learning

publiclibThe public library service learning course allows students to partner with public libraries and other agencies to develop community-based projects in different local settings. The course was among the first at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville to pilot the new “S” designation for course-based service-learning.

Related Story: Student Support for Public Libraries