The Science Alliance is seeking proposals from faculty members for Joint Directed Research and Development program funding. Three types of UT-ORNL collaboration are possible: collaborations with ORNL LDRD projects; collaborations with ORNL Seed Projects; and collaborations with ORNL around strategic opportunities.
The Science Alliance will fund approximately eight new proposals of about $50,000 each. Proposals aligning with any FY16 ORNL LDRD or Seed Project will be accepted. However, proposals that most closely align with the following FY16 topic priority areas are especially encouraged: (i) advanced manufacturing; (ii) neutron science (particularly applications in materials characterization); (iii) exascale computing; (iv) big data management and visualization; (v) complex biological systems (particularly as it relates to ecosystem perturbation and ecosystem engineering); and (v) materials genome (particularly composites).
Applications should be sent electronically to Betty Carmon by 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 23. Information on previously-funded JDRD-LDRD projects is available online. For more information, contact Betty Carmon at