The College of Architecture and Design will host an open house on Saturday, April 11.
The event will be split into two sessions—the first, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., is intended for high school juniors, and the second, from noon to 3:00 p.m., is for admitted students and prospective graduate students.
“Open house is a great opportunity to get a sense of life at the College of Architecture and Design at UT,” said Julie Beckman, director of student services at the college. “Meeting current students and faculty, seeing our facilities and hearing about all of the exiting new initiatives the college is undertaking are all valuable pieces of information when making such an important decision as to where to study. We look forward to meeting with students this spring.”
The event will give future Volunteers the opportunity to learn about the college’s programs in interior design, landscape architecture, and architecture. Participants are encouraged to register by Saturday, April 4.
Open house activities will be held in the award-winning Art and Architecture Building and will include presentations by faculty, discussions with student leaders and program chairs, and tours of campus and off-campus facilities. Prospective students will also be able to learn about current majors, novel progression tracks for dual undergraduate-graduate degrees, and new minors in interior design, design studies, and industrial design.
Kiki Roeder (865-974-6713,