In celebration of Black History Month, faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the African American Read-In from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 27, in the Lindsay Young Auditorium of Hodges Library.
The event is sponsored by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and supported by UT’s Center for Children’s and Young Adult Literature (CCYAL), a joint partnership between the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences and the College of Communication and Information. The event is also supported by UT’s Black Educators of Tomorrow, Commission for Blacks, the Office of Multicultural Life, and the English Department.
Interested participants are invited to go to Hodges Library auditorium and read aloud for five to ten minutes from a text written by an African American. Anyone can visit the auditorium to listen in. The event also will stream live on CCYAL’s website.
Participants are encouraged to find the text they want to read prior to the event. A bibliography of recommended books is also available at the NCTE African American Read-In website.
The CCYAL will make contemporary, award-winning African American-authored books geared to children, middle-schoolers and high school readers available for the read-aloud. These books will be available in the center, located on the third floor of Hodges Library, before and during the event. Books from the UT Libraries’ general collection also will be on display and available before and during the event.
UT individuals or entities who want to participate as a reader are asked to contact CCYAL Director Susan Groenke at