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reviewlogoUT has been included in the Princeton Review’s Colleges That Pay You Back: The 200 Best Value Colleges and What It Takes to Get In 2015 edition.

Released today, the new book and online resource aims to address two major concerns of college applicants and their parents: paying for college and graduating with a good job and a paycheck.

The Princeton Review’s editors note that UT “offers students the great program diversity of a major university, opportunities for research or original creative work in every degree program, and a welcoming campus environment.” The university also received high marks for its sense of unity and efforts to promote diversity and acceptance.

UT blends more than 200 years of history, tradition, and “Volunteer Spirit” with the latest technology and innovation, the profile notes.

The profile highlights UT’s plentiful scholarships, and Career Services, which “does an amazing job helping undergraduates kick-start their professional lives.”

The 200 schools were chosen based on “return-on-education” ratings created through surveys of administrators and students, along with data from The rating measures forty weighted data points in three areas—academics, affordability, and career prospects.

The book is an expansion of the Princeton Review’s former Best Value Colleges. The Princeton Review is an academic tutoring, test preparation, and college admission services company.


Karen Dunlap (865-974-8674,