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Have you ever studied for hours and still felt like you didn’t know the material? Have you ever expected to get a good grade on a test and been disappointed? Do you ever wonder where all your time goes? Working with an academic coach can help you study smarter by developing skills in time management, goal setting, learning styles, and strategies.

Meeting with a coach is free, comfortable, and low-maintenance. It’s a chance for you to talk about your own experience at UT, in and out of the classroom. You’ll be listened to and taken seriously.

Student Success Center data shows that students who meet regularly with an academic coach achieve higher academic success, so come early and often to make the most out of your coaching experience.

Timely meetings with an academic coach are a great way to keep your semester on the right track. Meet with a coach now to review your course load and devise strategies to attack your work, then again mid-semester as you’ve settled into your classes and are aware of long-term assignment dates, and finally at the end of the semester to sharpen your focus on remaining work. Seeing an academic coach also can be helpful anytime you feel you are not doing well academically, feel undue academic pressure, or want to sharpen your learning or academic management skills.

To learn more about academic coaching, visit the Student Success Center website.