Ten college students from around the U.S. are at UT for the Computational Science for Undergraduate Research Experiences, a summer internship program that provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to begin using high-performance computing.
CSURE is a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, or REU, conducted by the Joint Institute for Computational Sciences. JICS is located at UT and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
The student interns come from Maryville College; North Carolina Central University; Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina; Centre College in Danville, Kentucky; North Carolina State University, Ohio Northern University, the University of California-Berkeley; Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia; George Washington University in Washington, DC; and Baylor University in Waco, Texas. They are joined by four summer interns from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The students are attending lectures and doing leading-edge research while being mentored by JICS high-performance computing experts. They will write a paper, produce a poster, and make presentations on their projects that will focus on atmospheric sciences, chemistry and materials sciences, engineering mechanics, numerical libraries on emergent platforms, and systems biology.