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The Center for Physical Activity and Health is looking for participants for a study on walking and weight loss. Entitled “Effects of a Minimal-Contact Lifestyle Intervention on Physical Activity, Diet, and Body Weight,” the study is open to anyone between the ages of 30 and 65. Participants must have access to a computer and be able to read and speak English. Participants must also be at least twenty pounds overweight, sedentary, and capable of walking a quarter mile without difficulty.

The study is being conducted by David R. Bassett Jr., Dixie Lee Thompson, Eugene C. Fitzhugh Ph.D., all faculty members from the faculty from Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies; and Hollie Raynor, a faculty member from the Department of Nutrition.

The study will involve seventy individuals and is being done to assess the effect of a twelve-week lifestyle intervention focused on walking, diet, and body weight. The study will involve measuring the height, weight, waist, and hip circumference. Participants will be required to come to campus for three individual meetings with investigators and attend one group orientation meeting.

If you are interested in participating or want more information, call 974-6040 or e-mail