UT Libraries has received a donation of books from the campus’s Confucius Institute partner university in China, Southeast University.
Some of the books will become part of the UT Libraries collection, but there are enough to share with departments and faculty who can use them.
The books, written in Chinese, include classic Chinese literature, books on urban planning and design, Chinese arts, teaching the Chinese language, and other subjects.
For more information about the books, e-mail the Confucius Institute at utkci@utk.edu or call the institute’s director, Shih-Lung Shaw, at 974-6036.
UT’s Confucius Institute’s inauguration ceremony is set for Friday, April 12. The festivities—which will be open to the public—will include a ribbon cutting at the International House, where the Confucius Institute is located, and a stage show in Cox Auditorium in Alumni Memorial Building.
Confucius Institutes are nonprofit public centers run in cooperation with Chinese partner universities and overseen by Hanban, a Chinese Ministry of Education subsidiary. UT’s institute will receive funding, as well as books and teaching supplies, from Hanban. It will offer for-credit and noncredit Chinese language courses, sponsor cultural activities, and provide support to local communities and schools in learning Chinese language and culture.