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The university closed a residence hall for the night and helped to relocated its residents due to a power outage in the building.

The power failure occurred this morning in North Carrick and power could not be restored by evening. The North Carrick residence hall will be closed at 8:30 p.m. and students will not be able to access the building until tomorrow.

The university anticipates power will be restored to the residence hall tomorrow. University Housing is providing overnight accommodations for the 436 male students who reside in North Carrick in one of the other residential facilities as space permits, although many residents have already arranged accommodations with friends in the area.

Although electrical power to the student rooms was disrupted, all safety systems (fire and notification alarms, emergency lighting in all hallways and exits, main desk telephones), as well as all power to the basement and first floors are working.


Rebekah Winkler (865-974-8304,