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By altering our daily habits, students, faculty, and staff have prevented the release of 40,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This reduction in greenhouse gases is equal to the annual emissions from 9,400 passenger cars, the electricity use of 5,900 homes, or the burning of 260 railcars’ worth of coal.

How you can help:

  • Schedule printing, copying, and other energy-intensive office work for after 11:00 a.m.
  • Cook and reheat food with microwaves instead of conventional ovens
  • Keep outside doors and windows closed to conserve heating
  • Turn off the lights when you’re the last to leave a room
  • Power down unused computers and other electronic appliances. Set computers to sleep mode when not in use for ten minutes or more. For more information on energy settings, visit the ENERGY STAR website.
  • When possible, take the stairs and limit your use of elevators