Erotic Mormon stereographic photography and the secrets mud can “unearth” are only two of eleven topics that will be presented by UT faculty at this fall’s Mic/Nite on October 24.
Mic/Nite is a “Pecha Kucha-powered social gathering to enhance the intellectual, interdisciplinary, and cultural life of the faculty and staff at UT.”
Mic/Nite, will be held at the Relix Variety Theatre, 1208 N. Central Ave. It begins with a 5:30 p.m. social hour, including pizza and a cash bar. Presentations begin at 6:30 p.m.
Pecha Kucha, pronounced peh-CHAKH-cha, is a lecture format, originating in Tokyo, where presenters discuss twenty images for twenty seconds each. Since then, the lecture format has spread to more than 400 cities, including Knoxville. Mic/Nite presenters, who consist of faculty and staff, will use Pecha Kucha to present their research.
Mic/Nite hopes to bring a greater sense of unity among UT’s different colleges and assist in cross-college research.
“For UT to be a Top 25 university there needs to be opportunities for faculty and staff to learn about what their colleagues are doing in other departments,” said Beauvais Lyons, Mic/Nite coordinator and Chancellor’s Professor in the School of Art.
The free event is open only to UT faculty, staff, and their spouses or partners, and those going are encouraged to RSVP to be eligible for door prizes—one of which is free faculty/staff parking for the 2013-2014 academic year. RSVP at the Office of the Provost website.
Free podcasts of previous Mic/Nites can be found on the website, and podcasts of this semester’s presentations will be posted after October 24.
Presentation topics for the fall 2012 Mic/Nite include:
- “Mormon Porn: Charles Ellis Johnson’s Erotic Stereographs” by Mary Campbell, assistant professor of art
Stereography it a technique for creating 3-D depth in images by using binocular vision—sort of like a “View-Master” toy. Charles Ellis Johnson, the son-in-law of Mormon leader, Brigham Young, produced erotic stereographs. This presentation will show how Johnson’s Mormon faith, odd as it may seem, can be seen in his erotic work.
- “The Papers of Andrew Jackson” by Dan Feller, professor of history
During this presentation, you can absorb the recently unearthed information about President Andrew Jackson’s infamous Eaton Affair, the sex scandal that tore Jackson’s family apart and led government officers to gun for each other in the Capitol.
- “Appreciating Mud” by Sally Horn, professor of geography
Horn will explain that mud holds more information than one may think.
- “Seeing How to Get Things Done!” by Mandyam M. Srinivasan, professor of statistics
Managers with good intentions sometimes unknowingly hinder their projects. Srinivasan will help participants learn about the common mistakes made and how they can overcome these pitfalls.
- “Building Bridges Across Disciplines: A Holistic Perspective of Workplace Privacy” by Virginia W. Kupritz, professor of communication studies
Privacy policies in the workplace can be difficult to understand. However, when interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary backgrounds are applied, the topic is easier to grasp. Kupritz will help participants see privacy regulation in a holistic perspective when knowledge of business, communication, and architecture are applied.
- “Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Children’s Development in Slums of Kenya: Considering Culture, Poverty, and Community” by Hillary Fouts, associate professor of child and family studies
Cultural and social variables affect different regions of poverty-stricken Kenyan slums. Fouts will explain how children in this area are affected.
- “Playing with Droplets: Using Self-Assembly to Create Biomolecular Smart Materials” by Andy Sarles, assistant professor of mechanical engineering
Biomolecules do the tasks required for growth and survival—they convert energy, send signals, and perform mechanical work. Experimental methods use water droplets and self-assembly principles to arrange biomolecules into structures, allowing them to work in a together. Sarles will explain how this research is being used to detect deadly neurotoxins and create sensors that could be used to treat hearing loss.
- “To Lynch a Child: Bullying and Gender Non-Conformity in Our Nation’s Schools” by Michael J. Higdon, associate professor of law
Chronic bullying over gender expression can be likened to lynching. Higdon will explain how this problem is working its way into our nation’s schools.
- “Understanding Sleep Disturbances” by Kenneth D. Phillips, associate dean for research and evaluation, College of Nursing
Researchers have found a relationship between adverse childhood experiences and sleep quality. Learn how the past can cause a restless sleep.
- “At Shelter’s Edge: The Reality of Homelessness in Knoxville” by David A. Patterson, professor of social work
Homelessness is often the result of a complex interaction of individual factors, structural and economic forces, and environmental circumstances. Patterson will explain how measuring the magnitude, scope, and complexity of homelessness in Knoxville can help shape policy and allow agencies to create with more effective intervention strategies.
- “Watersheds: We’re All In This Together” by Andrea Lorene Ludwig, assistant professor of biosystems engineering and soil science
Ludwig will explain how researchers examine watersheds from engineering, scientific, and social perspectives. Look at current threats to watersheds, as well as efforts to utilize, protect, and restore them.
C O N T A C T :
Beauvais Lyons (865-974-3202,