The university has converted the way students evaluate their instructors to a completely web-based, online system. It is expected to save 1.25 tons of paper each year, reducing overall costs and saving countless hours of staff time.
Students received the first invitation to complete the surveys about their instructors on Monday. The SAIS system is now open through December 2.
“We are all concerned about possible lower response rates with online evaluations. We are communicating with students in a variety of ways to emphasize the importance of their participation,” said Provost Susan Martin.
“We are also asking that all faculty members take a moment to let the class know that you take the evaluations seriously. While the system is open, remind students that the surveys are anonymous and also that they can complete the evaluation online at any time,” Martin said. “If students hear that instructors value their feedback, and that they have an impact on tenure and promotion, they will respond and take time to share their views.”
Faculty, staff, or students who have questions about the survey or the changes that have been made, can e-mail or call (865) 974-4373.