The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, continues to be among the top universities in providing wireless Internet service to students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors.
In the early 2000s, UT Knoxville led the national charge to make wireless access available across campus. And just a few years ago, UT Knoxville was the first US university to participate in eduroam, a secure, worldwide roaming Internet access service developed for the international research and education community.
The university continues to play a vital role in the consortium’s success, hosting the hardware infrastructure that supports all of eduroam’s Internet traffic in the U.S.
“Within the international wireless computing technology industry, UT has a very strong reputation,” said Philippe Hanset of UT’s Office of Information Technology. “We’re known as a leader in the field.”
One of the reasons for UT’s strong international reputation, Hanset said, was its early and enthusiastic support for eduroam.
The service is very popular in Europe and elsewhere in the world, Hanset said. “When international faculty and students come to UT Knoxville, they can quickly and easily access the Internet from virtually anywhere on campus using eduroam.” Hanset said that UT faculty and students who are registered on the service can enjoy the same quick Internet access on European university campuses, as well as on a growing number of campuses in the U.S.
This kind of seamless Internet service for students and faculty at UT and other universities in the U.S. and around the world may not get the widespread public notice that other intercultural initiatives receive, Hanset said, “but its impact is widespread.”
For more information on wireless communications and other campus information services, visit
For more information on the Eduroam wireless network, visit