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Golf Tournament logoThe University of Tennessee Police Department will host a scholarship fundraiser this spring to assist children of UTPD staff and retirees attend UT Knoxville.

The fifth annual UTPD Memorial Golf Tournament will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, May 20 at the Three Ridges Golf Course. Team registrations received prior to March 15 will receive 10 percent off of the entrance fee.

UTPD has held the event since 2007 to assist with funding of the UTPD Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship was established in honor of UTPD Officer Ben Bohanan after he was tragically killed on his way home from work. Since the inception of this fund, the fund’s name has been amended to recognize other officers who have passed. Scholarships are awarded annually from the fund to assist UTPD dependents in purchasing books and other items needed to attend UT Knoxville.

“The 2011 tournament will be the fifth year we have conducted the memorial golf tournament, which is a great accomplishment,” UTPD Capt. Jeff Severs said. “This is the only fundraiser we conduct for the scholarship fund, and without the tremendous support we have received, it would not have been possible to endow the fund in three years. I want to thank all who have participated in the tournament in years past and look forward to seeing old friends and making some new acquaintances this year.

“We make every effort to make this tournament fun for all who participate and hope that many are able to join us in May for another great event.”

The tournament is a four-person team event and costs $400 per team. For the entry fee, team members will receive greens fees with cart, a hospitality bag, golf shirt and a catered dinner upon completion.

Sponsorship opportunities also are available. Hole sponsors are $250, and cart sponsors are $100 for businesses or $25 for an individual.

For more information about the event, visit or contact Capt. Jeff Severs at 865-974-3111 or by e-mail at