KNOXVILLE — University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Air Force ROTC cadets will help the East Tennessee Military Affairs Council (ETMAC) honor Eddie Mannis, founder and chairman of HonorAir Knoxville, for his service to World War II veterans.
The ceremony will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 3, in the Carolyn P. Brown University Center ballroom.
HonorAir Knoxville, which started in 2007, has flown more than 850 World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., free of charge, to visit the World War II Memorial and other memorials.
UT ROTC cadets will join World War II veterans in presenting Mannis, the founder, president and CEO of Prestige Cleaners, with a series of eight books, one for each of the HonorAir flights. Each page of the books — which were put together by ETMAC member and UT research specialist James Dee — has the name of a flight participant and a brief description of the veteran’s World War II service. These books will be available for visitors to see following the ceremony.
“The public is welcome and we hope to see a large crowd, especially those who have participated in the HonorAir program,” said ETMAC President Joseph Mazzola.
Reservations are required and can be made by calling Patrice Collins at the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, 865-246-2646. Parking is available for a fee at the University Center parking garage on Phillip Fulmer Way.
Capt. Dawn Zink, (865 974-8865,