UT Knoxville’s College of Education, Health and Human Services has been awarded funding for its Future Program in Connections for Disability and Employment, in the Center for Literacy Studies (CLS). The funding comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. The Future Program will provide postsecondary education opportunities on the UT Knoxville campus for students with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Connections for Disability and Employment is led by Liz Fussell, program director in the CLS; Melinda Gibbons, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling; and David Cihak, associate professor in the Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education. In conjunction with UT’s Korn Learning, Assessment and Social Skills (KLASS) Center, the Future Program will focus on academics and instruction, social activities, employment experiences and independent living.
To read the press release from the Department of Education, click here.
For more information on the Future Program, contact Liz Fussell at lizfuss@utk.edu.